Mintik posted
2 month ago

PHP Question-Answer Script for Student Assignments.

Öğrenci ödevleri için Php Soru Cevap scripti
found this system while browsing on Github. I thought it would be a half-baked example, but I came across a fully detailed and comprehensive PHP question-answer script. The file is prepared in a size of 42MB and has quite advanced features. In terms of functionality, it resembles Stackoverflow, but visually, it looks like standard question-answer scripts. Since it was published 5 years ago, there are errors in the current PHP versions. Although I tried to fix the initial errors, it didn’t seem worth the effort to me. There are so many PHP version errors that it’s not worth fixing. It’s a system worth fixing. Rather than setting up a system from scratch, I thought it would be more logical to fix and use this script in its current state. You can fix all the errors in a day with some effort. Now that we’re in the era of artificial intelligence, I don’t think anyone will have a hard time fixing these errors. There were many errors in the image shown. Since I realized I won’t be able to deal with fixing the other pages after fixing the homepage, I left it halfway. The screen capture looks like the image in the post. Additionally, the necessary markup for question-answer systems has already been done. Without this markup in search engines, question-answer systems don’t have much advantage. So, it’s an important detail.

You can download the PHP Question-Answer script for student assignments from here .

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