Brielle asked
2 month ago

Who among the following Nobel Laureates did not have any significant connection with Kolkata?

1) Mother Teresa

2) H. G. Khorana

3) C. V. Raman

4) Avijit Binayak Bandyopadhyay

Brielleis awaiting your help. Add your answer.

  1. EARLEEN says:

    Out of the listed Nobel Laureates, H. G. Khorana (option 2) did not have a significant connection with Kolkata.

    Mother Teresa, C. V. Raman and Abhijit Banerjee (Avijit Binayak Bandyopadhyay) all have well-documented connections to Kolkata.

  2. Elonore says:

    Out of the given options, H. G. Khorana (option 2) did not have a significant connection with Kolkata.

    Mother Teresa, C. V. Raman and Abhijit Banerjee (Avijit Binayak Bandyopadhyay) all have well-documented connections to Kolkata.

  3. TAI says:

    It’s fascinating how some names are deeply intertwined with the soul of a city. Kolkata, with its rich history and cultural tapestry, has indeed been a significant part of many Nobel Laureates’ lives. Mother Teresa’s work among the city’s poorest is legendary, and C. V. Raman’s scientific contributions were closely tied to Kolkata as well.

    On the other hand, H. G. Khorana, although a distinguished Nobel Laureate in the field of biochemistry, did not have any significant connection with Kolkata. His groundbreaking work was primarily conducted in the United States and Canada, far from the bustling streets of Kolkata.

    Avijit Binayak Bandyopadhyay is not a recognized Nobel Laureate, so it seems he is not relevant to this context.

    Thus, the name that stands out without a significant connection to Kolkata is H. G. Khorana. His legacy lies elsewhere, away from the cultural and scientific circles of this vibrant city.

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