1 week ago

What inappropriate scene in a TV show or Movie did you have to endure with your parents watching with you?

CHARLESETTAis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Siro says:

    I watched pretty much all of Game of Thrones with my mom. It was the only way I was allowed to watch it back when it first started.

  2. JACQUELYNE says:

    The entire orgy episode of What We Do in the Shadows.

  3. PATRIA says:

    The Godfather. Not all the killing, but Appalonia removing her slip. Ha!

  4. Tome says:

    Well not really an answer, but I remember when I was 8 I wanted to watch mean girls but my parents didn’t want me to so I hid in a cabinet and watched it so they wouldn’t find me

  5. MORIAH says:

    the debate last night

  6. Elden says:

    When I was about 13, I went with my mother to see Jerry McGuire.

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