Trev asked
3 week ago

T-Mobile Worker Hit My Car: T-Mobile Nor He, Want To Pay Damages. Help!

Trevis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. arina says:

    Its all good man.

  2. Your English is very good. Best of luck with the insurance companies.

  3. SHERRYL says:

    Try, they love stuff like this.

  4. Ingaberg says:

    Your grammar is better than most peoples’. To be honest, I think you’re doing the right thing. This guy sounds like a stubborn bastard and it’s his fault for the damage, but I couldn’t be bothered taking it this far.

  5. TAMIE says:

    Just a friendly reminder to put a thought-provoking question in your title, as per the rules in the sidebar. This is an experimental bot, so it might get things wrong – sorry if it did, but next time please try and get a question mark in.

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