Daniela asked
1 week ago

What stories do you have about celebrities that the wider world is unaware of?

Danielais awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. ninja says:

    “Arnold Schwarzenegger and his driver almost clipped me in his SUV while filming The 6th day. Like, I jumped out of the way as they screamed into a parkade. I was mid “What the FU…” when I made eye-contact with Arnie in the passenger seat. He gave an apologetic wave and they went on their way. “

  2. Julita says:

    “Mike Starr (the mob guy in Dumb & Dumb that died eating the spicy burger) helped me round up all kinds of celebrities to get photos at a charity event. I’m not a photographer, but I got suckered into taking group pictures of the 50+ celebrities at this event. Mike was one of the first celebrities I met and while having small talk I had a Larry David moment and mentioned how much I didn’t like having to round everyone up for photos and interrupt their good time. Without hesitating he burst into a group of celebrites and said, “hey guys, this is thecanadiana and he needs to get some group photos of the event for the website”. I took the photo and we were off to the next group. For the next, hour or two he guided me around the event introducing me to everyone and taking photos. He’s was really cool and funny the whole time. “

  3. Cama says:

    “Barack Obama is a pretty weak looking guy in person apparently. My mom was exercising across from him (treadmill) in a Reno hotel and thought it was him but shrugged it off because he looked “too short and small.” When they passed 10 Secret Service agents, they realized it actually was him. “

  4. Patricia Richardson killed a man in cold blood.

  5. nadin says:

    “Jared Padelcki from Supernatural. I have a bunch about this guy. They film up in Vancouver. The guy likes to walk around acting alpha as fuck. He’s got this sometimes-forced Texan accent and talks about his MMA shit all the time. One night him and a few of his boys roll into the city to get drunk and (probably) coked up. He ends up picking a fight with some dudes at a local bar and gets the shit kicked out of him. He broke his hand in the fight, and they had to write it into the script. (Season 2 – “Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things”) Warner Bro’s PR spun it as they were ‘jumped by a group of drunken men’, when really they were out looking for a fight from the get-go. Another time this same dude ended up having a temper tantrum on set and wouldn’t come out of his trailer for hours. I cant remember what his little hissy fit was about, but he left half the crew sitting around for a couple hours. (That kind of shit puts jobs at risk. Selfish as FUCK.) Anyways, fuck that guy. “

  6. Kalie says:

    “My uncle and my cousin (a teenager at the time) ran into Robin Williams at a shop in Hawaii in the late-80s or early-90s. My cousin was shy, so my uncle – who is a very outgoing, friendly guy – went up to him and the three of them talked for a minute. Williams was very nice to them, but was on his way out. My uncle then decided they should head back to the hotel, but, instead of a shuttle or cab, they started walking back (maybe .5-1 mile). Robin Williams saw them walking back, pulled over, and drove them back to the hotel. They chatted. My uncle told him how he used one of Williams’ comedy records on his first date with my aunt and Williams responded, “So my stuff is good for foreplay, eh?” It’s always a great story to get my uncle to tell. When he tells it, you can tell that the walk back to the hotel with my cousin in tow was done on purpose because he had a pretty good idea Williams would spot them along the way and maybe give them a ride. “

  7. TOMASA says:

    “Common (The rapper) is fucking awesome at observational humor. I was working President Obama’s “Home States Ball,” and he was walking around. We both noticed that the bar was a cash bar, and that they had signs on it warning pregnant women not to buy drinks. I don’t remember all the jokes, but he riffed on it for a good 5 minutes. It was hilarious. “

  8. Joella says:

    Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

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