faduma asked
2 week ago

What is the scariest thing to happen to you when you’ve been home alone?

fadumais awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Tuyen says:

    My most recent memory of scaring myself was that my brown hair tie came off my plait, fell on my shoulder then skidded across the ground. Thought it was a huntsman spider. Flipped a chair over getting away from it. I appreciate a huntsman spider bro eating other spiders. Just not on my shoulder. Felt like a dickhead when I saw it was a hair tie

  2. Jilleen says:

    When I was about 10-12 (one of the first few years I was home alone during the summer) we had a private plane have to make a crash landing in the field behind our house.

  3. Jordana says:

    Was making a sandwich in the kitchen one day only one home had my youtube on my phone watching either datto or fruit I dont remeber. I chuckled at something and a glass vase just randomly exploded. Now had I throw somthing or my pets been near it I’d be like oh ok. But nope just me in the kitchen making a sandwich and a glass vase that is easily 15ft away on the dinner table.

  4. Jo says:

    i was laying down and a crayon was thrown at me but i was alone and later on my blanket was on the floor and something kept pulling it under the bed it still haunts me

  5. One time, I was reading a book on my bed and heard a loud bang against the window, didn’t think much of it at the time because birds would often fly into the window. About a month later someone broke into our house by throwing a rock through the window and opening it from inside. Turns out the same guy had tried braking in when I heard the bang, but missed the glass of the window. It is quite creepy to think what would have happened if he didn’t miss.

  6. Agnola says:

    A man was outside my door shouting for me, then threatened to bang the door down. I heard a gun cocking outside and I was scared out of my life. He went ‘Damn it, there really isn’t anyone home.’ And I heard his footsteps go down the corridor. I was 11 at the time.

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