fadumo asked
2 day ago

If you had a Teleportation power, which place in the world would you immediately go?

fadumois awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Hanna-Marika says:

    If it makes portals, I would go to someone’s house I hate and create a portal to space for 1 second and close the portal

  2. Dmitri says:

    Home to see my grandpa one last time before he passes. Just glad I went home for Christmas this year and got to see him then

  3. Jinna says:

    China and beat up whoever is selling bat soup

  4. Kjellaug says:

    To the vault of a bank.

  5. Joby says:

    id put on a dark clothes, mask and anything to cover up myself and teleport inside a vault and rob it :/ yes i know very bad person

  6. Micka says:

    First, a bank vault and steal money. Then Roatan, Honduras and live in a fancy villa

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