The four horsemen show up out of nowhere. They grab the cena hands and the gold belt holding people’s elbow. The horsemen handcuff the two biggest to the tree. And proceed to lay a beat down as only the horsemen can. Walking away laughing with destruction left behind.
“I get up, dust myself off, look all of them in the eye as the rage builds inside and say, “I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump.” Then I start running away with my stupid legs. “
I wake up
The four horsemen show up out of nowhere. They grab the cena hands and the gold belt holding people’s elbow. The horsemen handcuff the two biggest to the tree. And proceed to lay a beat down as only the horsemen can. Walking away laughing with destruction left behind.
I see a doctor for my addiction.
Judging from person experience Bigfoot would probably try to eat my ass
“I get up, dust myself off, look all of them in the eye as the rage builds inside and say, “I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump.” Then I start running away with my stupid legs. “
The director yells, cut, get these assholes off the set.
“i grab the nearest log and start playing “WWE, nature edition” “
Pretty sure i died with that first kick
I haul ass out of that dream and my bed and head for the toilet.