Doreen Eberhardt asked
1 month ago

Can you break this code?

Doreen Eberhardtis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Peel the stamp, could be another clue.

  2. Nicolette says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s a variance of Morse code. Each letter is confined to 3 symbols yet a letter in Morse can be 1-4 dots and dashes and numbers 5. The Square, Triangle and dot/dash symbols could be used to either add additional dots or dashes or take them away to form different letters or numbers. I tried experimenting simply with square=2 dots triangle = 2 dashes and dot/dash = space filler and the dot and dash being as is. I ended up with this but the * nothing matched up. Still nothing but I feel like I’m on the right track S Q B I R F S U X N P * Z 8 * * X 0 H Z K B 8

  3. Smith says:

    All I see are little faces…I’m not sure if I should be sad that that’s all I see in those symbols….

  4. Ela says:

    For some reason, I keep coming back to the idea that the pupils in the eyes are some clue to what the dots mean.

  5. Marian says:

    I was sure I would be Rick Rolled.

  6. Barnabas says:

    Reminds me of the time I was buying groceries, I got to the checkout and dropped them all over the floor. The milk broke and many of my fruits were dirtied up. The manager came over, replaced all of them and gave it to me for free. $100 wroth of groceries for free!

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