Fahriye asked
2 week ago

Anyone good at deciphering alphabetic code? And translating german? My grandma died on halloween and left this behind…

Fahriyeis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Tidora says:

    It is a simple reverse rot-1 code. A=25, Y=1, Z=26. So the first four lines on the left read ALLES GUTE AUF WIEDERSEHEN EINMAL IM LEBEN ATSSPRUCH [AUSSPRUCH] (Edit: not AUSPRUCH)

  2. Anno says:

    “I would say it reads “nenne es ein Lied deines Herzens” = “call it a song of your heart”. Must be an encrypted love letter! 🙂 “

  3. I’m not sure about the cipher part, but if you need help with a translation, head over to r/translation 🙂

  4. Ing says:

    Do you have more of it? I’m guessing the unlegible word is nenne (call it a song of your heart). I thought as 5.12.22 is repeated string it could be either der, die or das, but 22.5 would make no sense. A further guess: 5.12.22 = und (and) 22.5 = du (you) and it would fit the song of your heart part as it would mean she isn’t reporting, but writing a letter to someone.

  5. Chatarina says:

    Is this another hidden vault?

  6. NUMBERS says:

    “just a tiny addition, deine blauen Augen und blonden Haare sind das Wahrzeichen deiner trete Vaterlande und deiner Verlobten your blue eyes and blond hair is the iconic trait of your -trete- fatherland and of your fiance. which would only then make sense is the guy was indeed a German – as the blue eyes and blond hair was the race ideal promoted by the nazi party. still struggling with the “trete” but am 99% certain it has nothing to do with kick. HTH “

  7. Found a second page! It also contained photos of Misdroy, the Polish city that was mentioned in the letter.

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