pernilla asked
3 week ago

Who felt the 3.6 earth quake in cali?

pernillais awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Majliss says:

    If it’s Southern Cali it’s Kim Kardasian falling off the bed again

  2. Lani says:

    Oceanside, felt it. Where was it?

  3. Laura Berg says:

    Californians probably

  4. Angelinn says:

    I did! So much shit happening all at once.. the pandemic and now this!

  5. ROSITA says:

    Dang I felt the Idaho 6.5 one here in Montana the other day. I figured California wouldn’t even yawn at anything under a 7.

  6. Imman says:

    What 3.6? Is it somewhere in southern Cali or anywhere that isn’t the SF bay?

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