Florinda asked
1 month ago

LGBT community: The Christian bible opposes male homosexuality in several passages, but has NO judgement on female homosexuality. Why has this loophole never been utilized to make Lesbian relationships acceptable to religious groups?

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  1. I choose not to listen to a lot of things the bible says no more, it’s incredibly sexist and homophobic

  2. margrit says:

    It has been in the past. To the religious groups opposed to homosexuality today, however, the woman is NOT someone with agency. They are property of men, and therefore the idea of them being in a relationship that isn’t at the power of a man is considered sin. They might not be so strong with those words, but it is the belief.

  3. liudmila says:

    Some translations of the Bible just say homosexuality without specifying the sex of the participants. This is what gets preached a lot. Also Christianity is incredibly sexist and says women need to be subordinate to men, especially their husbands. Lesbians go against that.

  4. Roine says:

    Because that’s not enough. The church need to abandon its prejudiced traditions entirely. Besides, most of the homophobic Christians find a religious excuse for their bigotry.

  5. Lacee says:

    Lesbians are always angry because naturally woman want to make men ejaculate . When they dont fill this need it totally screws with there chemistry.

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