Ivan asked
1 month ago

how could we help our community the best when faced with limited time and a limited budget?

Ivanis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Ronen says:

    Help your local EMS. At my station you can volunteer as little as one day a month and you would be helping the station with more manpower and be helping your community as part of the station. If you dont want to or cant put in hours there you could help them out in other ways. Donate for equipment, but them a PS4 or a netflix account to help the guys relax, or even just send them pizza.

  2. Lazlo says:

    Ideas for once a week (or less) …You could visit a senior living center and provide music or play cards or chess. You could read to children at the library? Help out at a food pantry, soup kitchen or animal shelter. Volunteer at a park (pick up litter late Sunday afternoons?) There are many opportunities for even folks with limited time…especially if you work together as a family. What do I do? I’m retired now, so my hours are more free. But when I was working full time, I did Scouts, PTA, Habitat for Humanity, and belonged to four groups that worked to improve our neighborhood/community.

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