Myrah asked
1 month ago

aged between 35-45 years old who have a steady job in a STEM related field earning between $75,000-$85,000 per annum who are happily married with 2 kids where at least one of the kid’s age is between 15-18 years old, and the other is between 10-12 years old what’s your favorite food?

Myrahis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Elayne says:

    Damn thats a niche market

  2. Why don’t you give us the person’s social security number and home address while you’re at it ?

  3. MARITZA says:

    You should put a serious tag on this…

  4. Meril says:

    Homemade broth. Obligatory I am not your intended audience so take my opinion with a spoonful of salt

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