Zhaleh asked
1 month ago

If you could magically lose weight but for every pound you also drop an IQ point (or vice versa: gain intelligence and lbs) how far would you go and why?

Zhalehis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Roice says:

    I would first aggressively diet/starve myself down maybe 80lbs, then invoke the power to gain the 80lbs back, along with 80 IQ points.

  2. Sitora says:

    IQ seems far more valuable than weight. Maybe if it was 10kg per point this would work. As it is, the factually correct answer for most people is to gain 50+kg and become the smartest person in the world.

  3. Varpu says:

    I would definitely gain – in muscle, bone – so I can both have aesthetic and smarts. I can even gain in brain matter, exponentially gaining intelligence.

  4. ivalo says:

    You would have a lot of really intelligent gym rats

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