Shem asked
3 week ago

What’s a surely logical in-universe consequence of the existence of superheroes in the Marvel/DC/other universes?

Shemis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Anica says:

    When Doctor Strange ran out of all of his money for the treatment of his hands.

  2. Charlotta says:

    “Do the comics ever really address (outside of civil war ofc) the civilian body count of “saving the world”? Because like. Just look at those battles and try and tell me that there’s no casualties. That no one dies because they’re in the way of a building that the hero threw the villain into, or worse, were actually inside the building thrown. I remember there was an episode of Ultimate Spider Man that explicitly showed the cleanup team, but I can’t not think of the destruction on a human level “

  3. Not a consequence but I have always wondered how every country in the world is going to define age after half the people missed about 5 years of their lives in the MCU post Endgame.. Reminds me of Flash trying to get a drink in the airplane in Spiderman: Far From Home.

  4. Hetty says:

    “I’ll go first – In the Marvel Universe, Thor must be legally defined as either a God, or not a God, for insurance claim purposes. Someone will have tried to claim on insurance for damages caused by fights that Thor was in, and you can guarantee one insurance company tried to claim that they didn’t cover “Acts of God”, leading to a court case in which part of it will have determined if Thor was or was not legally counted as a God. More fun is that there could be potentially different outcomes in different courts in different parts of the world. “

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