Uta Zweig asked
5 day ago

What is the vilest most evil thing that verifiably happened in recorded history?

Uta Zweigis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Birgit Boehm says:

    Has to be the Holocaust. There’s thousands of hours of archived footage.

  2. Marlowe says:

    Women’s uterus taken out at ICE camp

  3. JENNEFER says:

    Rape of Nanjing

  4. Madalena says:

    The Holocaust. Dishonorable mention to The Great Leap Forward and the Cambodian Genocide.

  5. JINA says:

    “North Korea, literal concentration camps for decades, famine, total servitude. While the modern world looks on and says, “oh well, best not to get involved” . “

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