Leonie Koertig asked
2 week ago

Without Naming Names or Nations, your country’s President/Prime Minister/Generalissimo for Life just lost the National election/referendum/draw the longest stick. He refuses to step down. What do YOU do?

Leonie Koertigis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Tam says:

    Nothing. If it’s our current PM I’d be quite happy to keep her in power.

  2. Augusto says:

    Literally nothing.

  3. Elroy says:

    Barring getting the hell out, prep for the coming war.

  4. tetiana says:

    That depends on whether other countries are willing to take us even as visitors.

  5. Floris says:

    Grab some popcorn and watch it unfold.

  6. Merwin says:

    I would be surprised by all accounts he doesnt like the job. I would protest or something i guess. To be honest i doubt labour could really win an election anyway.

  7. JESSIA says:

    laughs in home country

  8. Fidan says:

    Can’t do anything lol, the party is too all powerful.

  9. Sunna says:

    run to a bunker cause this mf is about to bring up the tanks.

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