DANAE asked
2 week ago

Why do hurricanes always have weak sounding names… a 160 mph wall of wind and water should sound more terrifying… shouldn’t it?

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  1. Anni-Lotta says:

    Most things in life sound prosaic up close.

  2. Onlea says:

    I agree. They should name all hurricanes after Norse gods.

  3. You probably already know this, but as we go through the hurricane season, every tropical storm gets a name and they go through them in alphabetical order. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_names What I didn’t know, is that the names are already chosen. Douchy names too.

  4. Uta Zweig says:

    I like Nordic names, Hurricane Rothgar, Loki, Oden, or Thor. Thats the kind of hurrican that wrecks shit.

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