“The slinky. They’ll think it was some mechanical phenomena. How would you explain, “well, we kinda just pushed it down a flight of stairs and got laughter and enjoyment out of it” without sounding like you’re missing a chromosome. “
The internet will be found after being preserved by 4chan, and taken as gospel for the future generations thinking of our bravery when facing the ‘slenderman’ and ‘the smile’. Of course, there will be two sides fighting over who’s way rains supreme, the one who are loyal to 4chans story of events, and the one copied by 9gag.
Microsoft Zune
Playstation Move.
You should read David Macaulay’s Motel of the Mysteries.
“The slinky. They’ll think it was some mechanical phenomena. How would you explain, “well, we kinda just pushed it down a flight of stairs and got laughter and enjoyment out of it” without sounding like you’re missing a chromosome. “
The cum box…
The internet will be found after being preserved by 4chan, and taken as gospel for the future generations thinking of our bravery when facing the ‘slenderman’ and ‘the smile’. Of course, there will be two sides fighting over who’s way rains supreme, the one who are loyal to 4chans story of events, and the one copied by 9gag.
Lady Gaga’s closet