Alice asked
3 week ago

Are there any fantasy books/series that could rival GoT if made into a HBO show?

Aliceis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Coralie says:

    “It would not be as long as game of thrones, but Stephen king’s “the stand” would be cool. Don’t know if it qualifies as fantasy, but I would love to see it turned into a series. Especially by HBO. “

  2. Chelsey says:

    Call me crazy, but I think HBO could easily tackle Brian K. Vaughan’s SAGA.

  3. Hilke says:

    It isn’t fantasy, but a TV series based on Les Miserables, true to the book, would be fantastic.

  4. Modesty says:

    World of Warcraft series.

  5. Avrom says:

    Eragon, that movie we do not speak of, EVER. So a HBO Series reboot would rival GoT

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