Mia asked
6 day ago

What food takes way too little effort for how tasty it is?

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  1. Becky says:

    Tuna. Sometimes I just eat it right out of the can. Or if you’re feeling frisky scoop it into a bowl with a bit of mayo and relish and you have a quick tuna salad. I like adding hardboiled eggs too.. But that’s too much effort. Peeling those fucks.

  2. Lusa says:

    In my opinion, a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. On mornings or afternoons I don’t want to cook, I lightly toast some white bread, then spread a thick layer of pb on one side, j on the other. I just went through a period of my life where I stopped eating them, so when I get back to it, they just taste so much better.

  3. Alevtina says:

    I’m an instant ramen slut. Love those salty fuckers. Add an egg into the boiling broth. Pro tip

  4. Anneliina says:

    Popcorn. Literally just toss it in a microwave and cook for however long it says on the package. It can be made extra tasty with salt and butter, but the added effort is minuscule compared to the taste.

  5. Miguela says:

    Stir fry chicken with minced garlic, dried chili flakes, lemon and soy sauce. 10 Minutes. Better than mostdishes that take MUCH MUCH longer.

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