Ephraim asked
2 day ago

Night owls, what do you eat at night and how do you do in order to not wake up a soul?

Ephraimis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Kumru says:

    I don’t eat at night, I’m trying the intermitten fasting shit, eat from 12 to 20 only, and no more than 2,2k calories. But before that when I wanted to eat something I would just do it, who am I gonna wake up, my dog? I’ll give him a treat too then, fuck it.

  2. SHALONDA says:

    If I’m on a console I put a rubberband around the 2 joysticks so whenever they reach the end of the swivel area they won’t make that noise. If I’m on pc I just won’t use a mechanical keyboard For food choices Ide go with anything that does not involve me microwaving

  3. Audi says:

    If you eat the souls you can’t wake them.

  4. SAVANNAH says:

    cereal. quietly.

  5. I have huge issues with food & live alone

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