Jeraldine asked
2 week ago

What coaching style is best suited for Gen Y and Z workforce?

Jeraldineis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. There isn’t one. Despite the desire to classify entire groups because that would make things easier, people in those generations are just as individual as other generations and are going to respond to styles differently depending on their own needs. To be a good manager/coach, you must learn to be adaptable and to figure out what each of your people needs the most.

  2. Junette says:

    Highly structured coaching is important. Gen Y/Z are the first generation to be in the workplace with smartphones and social media and they are super distracted to the point where it’s become a problem. I’ve had the best success sitting someone who is productive in with them and making whatever job we are doing a team effort. Otherwise I literally keep walking in on them to find them on their phones and there’s only so many times you can issue warnings.

  3. Team building. Being a hard ass doesn’t seem to ever work.

  4. Heike Kuster says:

    “First off sometimes we’re called Millennials and Zennials. Second, consistent feedback is very helpful. Operating under “no news is good news” promotes anxiety. “

  5. High praise. Low expectations.

  6. Quintus says:

    One that considers emotions, empathy and respect for the person as one huge aspect of communications

  7. Emmili says:

    Shock and Awe

  8. Mandy Farber says:

    Confuse and conquer. Works all the time

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