Monika Abend asked
3 week ago

How frequently do you wash your jeans?

Monika Abendis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. ivalo says:

    If they visibly appear to need washing, or if they smell like they need to be washed.

  2. Veena says:

    looks like i’m the outlier but after one wear usually. i own like 10 so i have a good cycle.

  3. EllaMartinez says:

    usually about 3 wears or so

  4. Malcolm says:

    My main pair of jeans I haven’t washed in a year.

  5. After 1 or 2 wears. Note that I am an art student and usually have charcoal dust and other very messy powders all over my jeans and thus need to wash them that regularly.

  6. Albatros says:

    After about a week

  7. James says:

    Every time I wear them.

  8. AJA says:

    I don’t wash my jeans. I usually buy like cheap jeans and wear it until it gets weary and buy a new one.

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