Bryon asked
3 week ago

Can mintik make #Egypt or #Censorship trend worldwide tomorrow at 1pm in every country to show our support for the protests?

Bryonis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Mirette says:

    /r/twitterbomb has a new purpose?

  2. Can we keep this to /poltics please?

  3. Gae says:

    Repost in r/Politics

  4. Gardiner says:

    As to why this isn’t meaningless. It lets us and everyone else (including the recipient) see the numbers. How many are tired and upset. How many united under a single thread. The TSA whitehouse one was like wildfire, why should this be different? This one involves a country’s crisis coming to a head in which citizens are having an extremely hard time just getting by. Families are suffering and many don’t have work. Their freedom of speech and safety are being taken away as the government continues to blatantly cross the line. Either directly or by letting others, law has taken control of the people. Does this sound anything like another familiar country’s problems? It does to me. Let’s help them any way we can. Support first comes in numbers and then in action. One more chance to get organized so we can move as one and really spread some knowledge. Wake up the ignorant and uninformed to gain more support, then use that support as a much louder voice! TL DR – Just do it! S

  5. MELIA says:

    “Reddit is not twitter. Also, this whole “revolution” thing is futile. Even if Egyptians manage to oust Mubarak, a new dictator will come to power after a short time. That, or they’ll get a theocracy like Iran. “

  6. Isil says:

    That’ll show em!

  7. Trend? What does that mean?

  8. Amity says:

    I posted a picture of the Sphinx on my facebook to raise awareness for child abuse in Egypt, what else can I do?

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