Johanna Kaufmann asked
1 week ago

You have the ability to drastically raise the price of 1 item worldwide, what item are you raising the price of?

Johanna Kaufmannis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Bradley says:

    Probably some really cheap item everyone needs but takes for granted just to fuck with people.

  2. Ilwaad says:

    Guns. The US would hate me

  3. condoms either people practice abstinence until their happy and financially stable or you get her pregnant make your move

  4. Fresh drinking water, to as close to unattainable as absolutely possible, and send the entire world into a crisis and enjoy the view as the only hydrated person on the planet.

  5. Marci says:

    Oil. It would force countries to find green alternatives . Hence cleaner earth

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