Jessica Pfeffer asked
1 week ago

If you could go back in time to witness anything, what would it be?

Jessica Pfefferis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Temp says:

    Big bang, easily. Beatles at shay would be second.

  2. MELIDA says:

    i would take all the Holocaust deniers to Auschwitz

  3. Naciimo says:

    Jesus Resurrection

  4. Emma-Lotta says:

    I got way too many: Beginning of Time The moment the first man was created Couple events from the bible Dinosaurs Roman Empire The American Revolution The American Civil War WWI and WWII My parents life before I was born.

  5. Amtul says:

    back 2000 yrs ago, kill baby jesus, start science

  6. EURA says:

    “At the moment I’m seeing some pretty crappy comments. I would go back as far as to see how Adam and Eve (Or who ever was first on this planet) came into being, or to see what came first, the chicken or the egg And I would also wanna check out the following: Titanic at its sinking Jesus’ crucifiction and the moment the King of Troy allowed the Trojan Horse into it’s gates so I could be all like “Burn it!” “

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