Aylen asked
2 week ago

What are your fucked up school experiences?

Aylenis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. SANORA says:

    “There was a tale about a “trouble girl” in my middle school who snuck into the room where the wheelchair-bound challenged kid was sitting alone, apparently unattended for 1 minute. She took this minute to sneak in and lay a duce on the carpet beside the wheelchair. “

  2. I go to a similar school. One of my school’s bible teachers will only let you go to the bathroom 3 times a semester during his class(which is right after lunch), oh yeah and the school kicked out a kid mid-year for being gay, oh yeah and one of my teachers thinks that if you love and nurture and allow a lizard to live for 200 years it will grow into a dinosaur, oh yeah and we can’t wear shorts, oh yeah and despite paying lots of money to go to said school some students have to sit on the floor during lunch because we don’t have enough seats for everyone at the school, oh yeah and about 25% of the people who go here are in-the-closet-racists

  3. Yildiz says:

    I once got into a fight in elementary school with a kid who later became my best friend. Story: I had popcorn. I got up to get milk. A devious friend gave my popcorn to the kid. I got back. Devious kid told me Later-Friend-Kid took it. So I did what any 5th grader would do, I walked up behind him (he had NO IDEA what was going on) and put him in a headlock. Then we got up and proceeded to fight fisticuffs-style until the school janitor broke us up. The rest of my academic life was extremely boring.

  4. nathali says:


  5. Marjory says:

    Ooh…there was the time when I was just about 14 and I went to get a physical. THE DOCTOR HAD NO FINGERS. HE FELT MY BALLS WITH HIS NUBS. cough Just to add to the awkwardness, he told me all about how I must be confused about the new hair here and there…Thanks, Doc. Where’s the mind-bleach? Didn’t happen in school, but it was school-aged, so yeah. Thanks for dredging that memory up.

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