CHIEKO asked
1 week ago

We are 5secondfilms and we have an all access pass to film at New Jersey’s Bamboozle Festival this weekend. Any request for stunts or band interview subjects?!

CHIEKOis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. ivanka says:

    Interview a dial-up modem about how his life has changed under his dubstep alias Skrillex.

  2. Write a formal complaint about Skrillex being at a festival that is specifically for MUSIC.

  3. Lonnie says:

    “You should interview the guy that knows how to get rid of the thirty second ad in front of your five second videos. Furthermore, you should see if he knows the bonehead that put the “Please disable your adblocking” message on your website. “

  4. Barrett says:

    Be safe…asbury park is renuilding, but it’s far from perfectly safe…

  5. DENITA says:

    Ask people how much fun they’re having on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being the best weekend of their entire lives and 1 being like they’re in New Jersey.

  6. CONTESSA says:

    Please film and interview Aer, they are from my high school and I never saw them live before they left. Thanks!

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