TELMA asked
2 week ago

Ex-Incels, What caused you to go down that path, and what helped you change?

TELMAis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. saida says:

    I didn’t get laid. I stopped trying to be friends and started trying to be a date. Seems to be working great.

  2. “I’m gonna take a wild shot in the dark here and say “not getting laid” and then “getting laid” “

  3. Retha says:

    “Incel means INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE. There isn’t a “path”. It’s INVOLUNTARY. It just means guys who can’t get laid. This term is getting misused so much in these comments. “

  4. SHERRIL says:

    I’m kind of between being an ex-incel and current incel. I know logically I should choose celibacy, but I still have my Tinder/Bumble/OKCupid in the vain hopes that someone would come to me.

  5. YU says:

    Sorry, but Ed Sheeran is super-rich and super-famousm and also really talented (even though i personally dont like most of his music). Why do you think his school ex-girlfriend now wants to marry him all of a sudden?

  6. annegrete says:

    Ed Sheeran After looking up a picture of him, I don’t know the significance of what you’re saying. Does he look creepy? He looks just kind of normal.

  7. Tiina-Maija says:

    that’s the weirdest pep talk I’ve ever heard but it works

  8. Madelin says:

    What a lame comparison.

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