fatemeh asked
2 week ago

Dear: should I drop out of University if I can get to my career goals faster?

fatemehis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Tilma says:

    Never leave university without a degree. You could pause your studies, but don’t quit.

  2. hanin says:

    I did this last april, except I was/am a film student. It’s been working out really well so far. The main thing is take a leave of absence. Go through all the university loops and stay in contact with everyone and don’t burn any bridges. I know that I have 4 semesters before I have to reapply to the university but if I decide I want to come back before then, I just have to call 3 months before registration for next semester. I feel like I’ve learned so much more in the last 6 months than I learned in classes. And I’m much more motivated and in love with life than I was before. If I do decide to go back to school, I feel like I’ll get more out of the classes than I was before.

  3. Osgood says:

    Get the degree. Or at least take a leave of absence. That way when you finish the internship, and realize that in environmental lobbying (at least if it’s anything like environmental law), you’re going to have a hard time supporting a family on the pro-environment side, while the pro-corporate pro-Gaia rape side offers a nice salary indeed, you can use your degree to find a reasonable career in a different field without being broke or feeling like your soul is in jeopardy. /cynicism

  4. Hellene says:

    From what you’ve said it sounds like a great opportunity. Go for it. But, to be able to make a solid decision, I think you first have to figure out what you want. Being an environmental lobbyist and getting an NGO job aren’t one in the same. I’ve done a bit of work with social-activist lobbyists, and almost all of them have advanced degrees. The good ones can interpret economic and statistical studies to make their points and the best ones can create their own studies (or at least have the knowledge to point out flaws in their oppentent’s). My hunch is you’re 20 years old, which is frankly too early to decide what you want to do for a career. My vote? Take a leave of absence so you can go back to school if you want, and then take the job. There’s no point in closing doors and burning bridges if you don’t have to.

  5. Elaine says:


  6. If I were in your position, I would take the job. The University isn’t going away anytime soon, the job offer might. With that said, remember to not close any doors (or windows). As has been mentioned, a leave of absence may be a good option in case the job doesn’t work out. On a side note: The University forces you to take the NGO job? They force you to work?

  7. ROXANNE says:

    of the people who drop out of school to get their career goals, you only ever hear about the success stories. you dont ever hear of the people who drop out, feel great, and then realize the catastrophe they’ve placed themselves in a few years later.

  8. Garry says:

    No way. My degree taught me little… But that piece of paper opens sooooo mamy doors. Older you will be so upset he will steal uranium from terrorists, fly back in time, almost sex up your mom, and then likely punch you in the face.

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