Taisia asked
1 week ago

College TA’s, what is the most memorable story you have?

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  1. Moishe says:

    So last semester I wasn’t a full TA I was only 2/3 and for the other 1/3 I worked in the department office as a secretary. The job was pretty boring but I got tome to do homework so I couldn’t complain. Anyway one day there were the head and the I guess whatever one step below the head of the department were talking about honestly I don’t know I wasn’t listening, and then another prof came in and suddenly started complaining about her TA’s and then the TA who she was complaining about walked in the office to put graded papers in her mail box. All the profs there just acted like they weren’t just talking about that TA. I really wish I would have had popcorn at that moment.

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