Hille asked 6 day ago Economy People who’s work involves death (e.g Paramedics, Hospice Carers, Morgue Attendants, etc.) – what is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen? View +87 answers Report
One time I removed a woman from a split-level trailer. Not an RV, a trailer home. Thing had two or three steps between the living room and bedroom
Baghdad, dead guy was burned and bloated. Looked like a burst hotdog that was burnt on the grill.
It was horrific:(
I do not but I looked out of a car window on a major Thoroughfare and saw a dead woman sprawled across someone’s front steps.
Saw a garbage bag in an empty morgue with a toe tag on the top and a set of dentures on an exam table. I don’t know any further…
why am I reading this thread?
Definitely a baby coming out of a vagina. the worst part is when it gets to the stomach.