Elfie asked
1 week ago

ors who live off of minimum wage, how do you do it?

Elfieis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. SIOBHAN says:

    I work 3 jobs, plus a side gig that pays a couple hundred dollars a month. I make decent money, but I can’t afford the annual passes to Disneyland, birthday trips to Vegas, new clothes and shoes, restaurant meals and other luxuries that the part-time employees I oversee can afford. I generally only buy secondhand clothing and household goods, and at least half of my food is free from one of my jobs. WTF am I doing wrong? Part-time employees making $12.50-$15 an hour live better than I do.

  2. Eddi says:

    Because I live in a reasonable first world country. I earn 18 bucks an hour, don’t rely on the government for handouts, and financially support myself. One day you guys will get this.

  3. Room mates, tight budgeting, rentals instead of buying, used items, thrifting, grocery outlets and the like. I used the library for my entertainment, my only splurge was movie pass… Once a year I save up and get it. I can see a movie a day in theaters for shot a dollar a day. After work that’s how I’d unwind. Oh and I never ate out unless it’s Taco Bell because that’s cheapest and most vegetarian friendly. I also used as many tax incentives as I could at the end of the year. You have to work at it but it paid off and once I got a better job I kept all those same patterns and saved. Oh and being smart with your power and water is important. Turn off lights, measure and time your water, reuse shower water to water your garden. Oh and I grew my own cannabis and that was a good side income.

  4. Matthieu says:

    Hmm, not sure what is too hard about it to understand. Prepare your own food and don’t go out as often unless it is free. I’ve been in education for several years and only had less than $300 after rent. It isn’t that big of a struggle. Just your socializing can suffer a lot from it but that’s it.

  5. Evamaria says:

    Sweet, sweet gratuities. I go to school full time, make 10 bucks an hour for about 30 hours a week, and get a bonus 200ish each week from tips and gratuity. Dealing with people can be a big pain in the ass some days, but it’s worth it.

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