Nadda asked
2 month ago

What is something you enjoy doing/using, but hate the culture surrounding it?

Naddais awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Gerdh says:

    hip hop…love it but hate the ‘rap’ radio pop shit everyone thinks is hip hop. its not

  2. Anna Vogt says:

    I don’t mind house music, but hate the whole molly culture behind it.

  3. I love hot sauce but hate hot sauce culture. Creative small-batch hot sauces often have names like Rectal Incinerator and Anal Assault. I don’t want to think about shitting while I’m eating. I feel exactly the same about craft brewing. I love beer. Absolutely love it. I especially love quality craft brews. But I’m so tired of seeing names that are just puns or euphemisms for pot and/or boobs.

  4. Alvhild says:

    skrillex. The dude is legit, but I hate his fans. kobe bryant is also pretty cool. Also, World of Warcraft. a fun game filled with egotistical people.

  5. JOSETTE says:

    Japanese Visual Kei bands. Love the music, hate the kids. (that fanbase is 85% girls. . .christ)

  6. ALLENA says:

    “Gamers and their completely commercialized life style. To get even more specific, FPS games and that whole “it’s only fun if it’s competitive” tripe Getting great headphones and speakers, but hate audiophiles and their pretentious shit with needing to buy 1000$+ speakers to “enjoy” music “Alternative” medicine. Too much “fight the power”, not enough collective science and discussions helping their case. “

  7. Margun says:

    “Sports fans. Sometimes I want to talk about hockey with an opposing fan, but all I get is “Crosby sucks, what a crybaby diver”. I wish we could all be civilized. I love the rivalries but sometimes I just want to talk some god damn hockey. “

  8. Doreen Kunze says:

    I like indie music but i hate hipsters

  9. Seval says:

    Industrial music. The goth scene is lame.

  10. Raymond says:

    Incense. For some reason people think that they somehow equal drugs or smoking when really I just like the smell.

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