Gabriele Glockner asked
3 day ago

What book do you plan to read your daughter/son?

Gabriele Glockneris awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. CIERRA says:

    The Phantom Tollbooth The Hobbit Ender’s Game

  2. Bernardine says:

    Infant: Go the Fuck to Sleep Childhood: The Velveteen Rabbit, and Grimm’s Fairytales

  3. Lona says:

    The Hobbit, LOTR and all of Discworld. By when do kids understand satire? No matter, I’ll do it for me. 🙂

  4. maibrith says:

    I read to my daughter from about age 1 to about 13. We did all the Bernstein Bears, all the other little kids stuff except Seuss, then we did all the Laura Engels Wilder, The Yearling, All of James Herriot, most of Steinbeck, A wrinkle in Time, and for a first taste of adult literature, Ball of Fat by Guy de Maupassant.

  5. little black sambo.

  6. ezgi says:

    “The entire DEXTER book series. That and Winnie the Poo – classic book series. to hell with “harry potter”. “

  7. Luisa says:

    Where the Wild Things Are

  8. Helja says:

    Paddle to the Sea

  9. olena says:

    Love You Forever. by Robert Munsch

  10. Ranique says:

    I know one thing: I would newer buy them Little Prince. I got like 10 copies trough the childhood and that book is so overrated.

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