Susanne Schmidt asked
1 week ago

What are some proofs that the English language was made by some drunk Englishmen on acid?

Susanne Schmidtis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Guniz says:

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

  2. KENISHA says:

    I always though of it more as if Dr Frankenstein tried to create a language instead of a body

  3. Rem says:

    Homonyms: Wind (to twist/ turn) Wind (weather) Close (near) Close (shut) Fair (Agreeable) Fair (event) Lie (falsehood) Lie (lie down) Lead (to guide) Lead (metal) Minute (60 seconds) Minute (small) Etc…

  4. Chiarra says:

    “(American English) The fact that Kansas and Arkansas sound different yet the only difference is the “ar” “

  5. Grady says:

    It wasn’t made by English men. It is a west Germanic language introduced in England during its invasion.

  6. Sara Vogel says:

    Not language specifically but… FT OZ MILES Etc.

  7. LAVONIA says:

    “”No time like the present,” he said. “It’s time to present her the present.” why “

  8. “”Ghoti” is pronounced “fish” Gh like in tough, o like in women, and ti like in motion “

  9. Tsgereda says:

    Someone described it best when they said that English isn’t one language, but rather three different languages standing on each other’s shoulders in a trench coat, pretending to be a single language.

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