nadin asked
1 week ago

It’s often said that if you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. So what’s an example of a country or leader not learning from history and thus repeated the mistakes of the past?

nadinis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Nannie says:

    In the 1920s the far right in Germany started to grow and got stronger, while the other parties of parliament kept their politics the way they were. Everybody knows the result. In 2020 the far right in Germany has grown and got stronger, while the other parties of parliament are keeping their politics the way it has been for the last decade, which basically was the reason the far right Party was founded at all. 100 years. And yet this shit starts to go down again.

  2. TONETTE says:

    “The entire Western world is currently repeating a host of mistakes of the past. For example many people are sympathetic to Communism and Socialism, while claiming that whatever happened in the past was “not real Communism”. We’ve seen that shit about 100 years ago. They are fighting for unchecked immigration, forgetting what ended the Roman Empire. The list is long, but there’s little point continuing. By this time half of the people here are screeching accusations towards me. “

  3. sylwia says:

    “1860: The Confederates advocate “states’ rights,” tie it to a barbaric practice (slavery), fight a war over it, lose, and wipe out whatever legitimacy states’ rights may have had in in American Constitutional law. 1939: The Nazis advocate “eugenics,” tie it to a barbaric practice (concentration camps), fight a war over it, lose, and wipe out whatever legitimacy eugenics may have had. “

  4. Noam says:

    Making more money

  5. shabnam says:

    Every leader and country to this day. Example: War.

  6. Hilppa says:

    England got their butts kicked by us Yankees in the American Revolution and yet still came back for more only three decades later. BTW I still blame Jefferson for the War of 1812 and nothing will ever change that.

  7. TAMESHA says:

    USA under Trump right now!

  8. Tuula-Anneli says:

    America and Rome.

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