merima asked
4 day ago

I have a philosophy professor that thinks vaccines cause autism and they are dumbing down the human race. Can you help me argue back?

merimais awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Kattarina says:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, professor. Where is your evidence?

  2. I recommend asking him how come he is so sure and so bold in his opinions. Then cite Heidegger’s discussions on semblance, and truth as unfolding.

  3. Anthi says:

    He said today that there was clearly a direct link between the emergence of vaccinations and autism. Ask him for a reference. He will be able to find 1 paper, which has been exposed as fraudulent multiple times and retracted.

  4. LATOSHA says:

    I recommend asking him how come he is so sure and so bold in his opinions. Then cite Heidegger’s discussions on semblance, and truth as unfolding.

  5. Hugh says:

    Tell him that is irresponsible for a person in his position to spread information that has deemed false by scientific consensus, regardless of whatever anyone believes.

  6. Janie says:

    There has been a SEVEN TO EIGHT FOLD increase in the rate of autism in California since 1990. There has been virtually no change in the rate of vaccinations of children over that same time period. Linking the two is kinda dubious.

  7. Cay says:

    There has been a SEVEN TO EIGHT FOLD increase in the rate of autism in California since 1990. There has been virtually no change in the rate of vaccinations of children over that same time period. Linking the two is kinda dubious.

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