1 month ago

My flatmate refuses to do her dishes, and I’m really getting tired of it. How can I convince this girl to pull her load?

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  1. sabiha says:

    Charge her for cleaning after her. If she pays up, all is groovy. If she gets pissed and leaves, again groovy you can find a new mate (just be sure sure to explain the rules). Last option, move out, leaving mounds of dirty dishes/pots/pans behind.

  2. Julietta says:

    Pull her load first. Then she’ll pull yours.

  3. Jerika says:

    My best friend was actually in this sort of situation at a house with a bunch of friends of ours from school. What a clusterfuck that was. They used the shit out of his cookware and kitchenware, left it all unwashed/unscrubed in the sink for over a month, and then moved it to the front porch in a cardboard box after deciding they didn’t want to see it anymore, grime and all. Disgusting. You pay your fair share of the rent. You do your dishes not only because you’re responsible, but because you respect their right to a clean apartment as well. Pfsh…yea right. You do it because you’re responsible. Fuck the bitch at this point. SHE OWES YOU THE SAME CONSIDERATION. Think of yourself for once you selfless asshole.

  4. Hamish says:

    “Warn her that you’re going to trash them if they’re not cleaned within “x” amount of time. Multiple times. And post signs. Trash them when they aren’t cleaned in “x” amount of time. “

  5. Anna-Marika says:

    Catch her in a moment with her friends/family and explain in detail how much of a pig she is with dirty dishes.

  6. Acilay says:

    Just divide the plates up in half. When you do your dishes clean them and keep them in your room. Then she won’t have any clean dishes to eat with and she’ll eventually figure out she has to pay her dues.

  7. Sini-Tuuli says:

    I beg to differ, I think it is a big deal. I’ve lived with people like this in college and those dirty bastards ruined my living space and took the fun out of cooking. Put all her dirty dishes in her bed one day. See how she reacts.

  8. Riia says:

    I had this done to me and it changed my ways (after a bit)… Get a box and label it like ‘Box of shit that X needs to clean’. Every time you’re confronted with a mess like the picture, swipe all of her shit into the box and leave it right outside her door for her to kick, or move, when she tries to use her door (i almost came to blows with my flatmate when this was done to me but i got the message). A less confrontational way would be to put the box in the corner of the kitchen. If, however, you catch her using YOUR shit start raining blows on that hoe.

  9. Jaquenette says:

    Place her load of the dishes on her bed.

  10. KENYA says:

    Move. There’s no way to really change her habits.

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